Free Printable: Spell-Writing Worksheet

You may have noticed that we have added a new section to our online shop—a section full of freebies and printables. Up until recently, this section of our store consisted mostly of lockscreens that customers could add to their carts as extras to their orders and download easily at checkout. Recently, though, we have begun to expand our collection to include printables. (Being an educator in my day job, I have a deep love for printables.)

Original version, for use with standard ink pens.

Original version, for use with standard ink pens.

With the rollout of these printables, we have decide that providing access to these free resources in the shop is simply not enough. There are many people, we realize, who may not want to go through the process of adding these printables to their carts and checking out if that is the only thing they want to get. And that’s understandable. With that in mind, we have decided also to provide direct links to these resources on our blog, so that visitors who don’t want the hassle of the checkout process can download them more directly.

Black version, for use with milk or gel pens.

Black version, for use with milk or gel pens.

Our Spell-Writing Worksheet is available in two variations—one for standard ink pens or pencils and one for gel/milk pens. Both can be printed on any paper to suit your preference. These worksheets are intended as organizers to help in the process of writing and modifying your spells and magical workings. They are free to use and can be redistributed with credit. Available in PDF format. Can be printed as one page by printing front to back, or on two pages to provide additional space.

Worksheets include sections for:

  • Purpose

  • Supplies

  • Timing

  • Preparation

  • Procedure

  • Follow-Up

  • Sources Consulted

  • Date Written