Workings for the New Year: Binding Someone or Something to the Old Year

As each new year begins, one’s mind turns naturally to making plans for the betterment of our lives, situations, and selves. We are inclined to take stock of what we have accomplished and who we have become in the year prior, and to evaluate the kinds of changes that we want to make in our lives. Sadly, most of the time, we find that we are unhappy with the progress we made the previous year—whether we didn’t get the right job or didn’t make the changes in our relationships that we planned.

It can be all too easy to see what we are unhappy with. Sometimes we can even see what’s really causing the discontent (such as a negative attitude, a bad habit, or a toxic presence in one’s life). But it can be significantly harder to remove the root of the problem from our lives. It would be a relief to simply be able to drop a habit or sever a tie with the turn of the year; but it’s not always easy to do.

Magic can help. Of course, it can’t do all the work. The best way to solve a problem with magic is always by using spells and rituals as a supplement to a mundane course of action. But magic can help. And, when your goal is to keep someone from doing something or to create distance between yourself and some other force, a binding spell is a good place to start.

Although the name “binding spell” may sound like the sole purpose of the spell is to bind something or someone to you (as is the case with binding or non-consensual love spells), the point of these spells is actually to bind that thing, person or circumstance to your will. Binding spells can be used to bind someone so that they cannot cause you harm or contact you, or they can be used on yourself to help break bad habits and end negative patterns of behavior. Use this simple spell (along with non-magical actions) to help rid yourself of negative traits, patterns, or people for good.


Binding Someone or Something to the Old Year


  • Write a goodbye letter to the person or thing you want to leave behind. Be detailed. And be brutal. If you have unresolved feelings about your target—whether it’s a troublesome shopping habit, self-doubt, or an ex you can’t seem to stay away from—let them out in the letter. End your letter by writing: “For all of these reasons, I release you and free myself. I bind you from doing harm to me or to the people I love. I bind your influence from following me. I bind your shadow from offending me. I leave you behind and allow myself peace.”

  • When you’ve finished the letter sign it. You can use your real name or a chosen name that gives you power and confidence. Seal it up in a black or red envelope, saying: “Sealed, bound, and far away; out of your reach, evermore I shall stay. All your power, I hereby dispel. Let me remain safe, and glad, and well.”

  • Dispose of the letter in the way you normally dispose of your spell components—such as burning, burying, or keeping them in a spell casket.

Disclaimer: Each of the Crowsbone writers and guest bloggers has their own magical background, beliefs, traditions and practices. These post represent the opinions, research and beliefs of the individual writers. We do not believe that they represent beliefs and rules associated with all magical practice or witchcraft; nor do they represent the beliefs and opinions of all of the Crowsbone community.