Posts tagged binding spell
Workings for the New Year: Binding Someone or Something to the Old Year

As each new year begins, one’s mind turns naturally to making plans for the betterment of our lives, situations, and selves. We are inclined to take stock of what we have accomplished and who we have become in the year prior, and to evaluate the kinds of changes that we want to make in our lives. Sadly, most of the time, we find that we are unhappy with the progress we made the previous year—whether we didn’t get the right job or didn’t make the changes in our relationships that we planned.

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A Binding Spell to Keep a Toxic Person Away

Somewhere between the sharp edge of a curse and the gentle nudge of the charm, there is the binding spell. With a binding spell, a practitioner works to subject a target to their will, binding them (so to speak) to the practitioner’s desires as they would be bound to the terms of a contract. The idea behind this type of spell is to change the target’s behavior in some way. This could mean forcing the target to do something they wouldn’t normally do. Or, in this case, it could mean magically forbidding someone from doing something that they normally would do.

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